Business Process Reengineering Effects on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Meru County, Kenya
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Financial sector is one of the fundamental dimensions of economic expansion and evolution. Financial institutions remain indispensable because of the role they play. In Africa, however, commercial banks have been reducing in number owing to tightening regulations, mergers, acquisitions, liquidations and collapses. On the same vein, Kenyan banking sector has recently encountered diverse experiences from new threats such as increasing inflationary pressure, worries about the sustainability of the public debt, a shaky economic recovery, and volatility in financial markets and devastating impact of COVID-19. Collectively, these make it difficult for the local banks to achieve optimum financial returns. The study aimed to determine how business process reengineering (BPR) affects performance of commercial banks in Meru County, Kenya. The objective was to determine effects of BPR on performance of commercial banks in Meru County. The study moored on Technology Adoption model. It employed descriptive research survey design with a target population of sixty (60) branch management staff comprising of three participants from each of the 20 commercial banks in Meru County. Additionally, the study adopted census approach and structured questionnaires to collect data. Descriptive statistics; mean and standard deviation coupled with linear regression were used to analyze data. Data was presented in tables. It was concluded that BPR enhanced financial performance of commercial banks. Further, the study recommended that commercial banks strengthen BPR to improve business operations. The study established that BPR, if effectively implemented, was a game changer to commercial banks, since it may reduce process time, simplify and streamline operations, and revamp service quality, thus increased efficiency that results into better services and products. This maximizes return on investment. Studies may be conducted to ascertain benefits and challenges of adopting BPR in commercial banks in Kenya.
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