Nurses’ Experiences on Work-Family Conflict during COVID-19 Pandemic Period in Selected Healthcare Facilities within Nairobi Metropolitan Area, Kenya
Main Article Content
Globally, nurses experience work-family conflict. However, with COVID-19, it was assumed that nurses experienced high level of work-family conflict due to the anxiety and fear among them because of the infectious nature of the disease. Nonetheless, nurses play a critical role in achieving one of the four goals of Vision 2030, that of having a healthy and stable population; and they thus require to work in a more conducive work environment. The main goal of this paper was to investigate nurses’ level of experiences with work-family conflict in hospitals within Nairobi metropolitan area in Kenya during COVID-19 pandemic period. The three objectives included: to investigate nurses’ experience of the working environment and fear of infecting the family; to establish nurses’ experience on the effects of nurses’ work schedule on work-family conflict; and lastly, to analyze nurses experience on the support factors that moderate work-family conflict during COVID-19 pandemic. The study is located within an interpretivist paradigm, and exploratory design was used. The hospital facilities were purposefully chosen, while 273 nurses were selected using stratified random sampling. The nurses filled open and closed ended questionnaires, while eight director of nursing services were interviewed. Data was coded and categorized according to the study objectives. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Findings showed that hospital facilities play a big role in providing a conducive environment for the nurses, especially on supplies and provision of protective gears, staffing and moral support to reduce work-family conflict. The study concluded that nurses experienced more work-family conflict during COVID-19. Additionally, nurses required more organizational support as frontline care providers in the health care system. The study recommends increased organizational and family support as it will enable nurses achieve positive work outcomes at work and family domains.
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