Influence of Union Membership on Satisfaction with Motivational Strategies among Teachers of Public Secondary Schools in Embu County, Kenya

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Mary M. Mugambi
Tarsilla Kibaara
Isaac Kaberia


Unions play a pivotal role in ensuring teachers’ commitment and welfare are safeguarded, thus elevating satisfaction levels. The study aimed to assess the influence of teachers’ trade unions on management of public secondary schools in Embu County, Kenya. Data was collected from the five sub-counties of Embu County. The study population was 2400 teachers and 205 principals. 10% criteria was used to obtain a sample size of 240 teachers and 21 principals. Census method was used to sample 1 Director of education, 16 KUPPET and 13 KNUT officials. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard error of the mean and inferential statistics, as well as simple linear regression were performed. The findings professional growth, career development, opportunities for study, in-service training, career development, and teachers' involvement in decision making enhanced teachers’ satisfaction. Principals were satisfied with teachers' participation in decision-making, professional growth, and career development. There was a positive relationship between union membership and teachers' job satisfaction with motivation among teachers and principals. Therefore, unionization results in increased satisfaction with motivational strategies. The study recommends rigorous campaigns by KUPPET and KNUT aimed at encouraging teachers to join the unions for increased solidarity and satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Mugambi , M. M., Kibaara, T., & Kaberia, I. (2023). Influence of Union Membership on Satisfaction with Motivational Strategies among Teachers of Public Secondary Schools in Embu County, Kenya. International Journal of Professional Practice, 11(2), 104–116.
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