Trainees Employability Skills and Students’ Decisions in Selecting Public TVET Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya

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Glory K. Mutungi
Tarsilla Kibaara
Severina Mwirichia


Career choices among youth is essential since it determines their future prospects. As such, careful consideration ought to be undertaken at career selection stage to enable students make rightful decisions for both the course and the TVET institute to undertake training. Subsequently, TVET institutions have adopted measures to ensure that students make informed career education decisions, and also acquire employable skills needed in the job market. Regular revision of curricula to fit employers’ needs, integration of technologies in training, deployment of modern equipment, and partnership with industries and secondary schools are critical. Nevertheless, TVET institutions have continued to experience issues in enrolment even as complaints on employable skills gaps continue to be cited by many employers. This study aimed to assess the influence of trainees’ employability skills on students’ decision in selecting public TVET institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya. It adopted descriptive survey research design. The target population of 3505 participants comprised officers in charge of admission, principals and module three trainees. Purposive sampling and stratified random sampling techniques were used in drawing a sample size of 361 respondents, which comprised of 6 principals, 6 admission officers and 349 module three trainees. Data was collected by means of questionnaires and interviews. The validity and reliability of research instruments was ascertained accordingly. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS, then, computed descriptive and inferential statistics. The qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The findings of the study indicated that TVET institutions produced competitive graduates who are equipped with employable skills required for employment. The study concluded that there was a significant relationship between trainees’ employability skills and students’ decision in selecting public TVET institutions. Consequently, TVET Authority and National Industrial Training Authority should collaborate with public TVET management for effective enforcement and establishment of follow-up mechanisms to ensure industry linkages during the training.

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How to Cite
Mutungi, G. K., Kibaara, T., & Mwirichia, S. (2023). Trainees Employability Skills and Students’ Decisions in Selecting Public TVET Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya . International Journal of Professional Practice, 11(2), 91–103.
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