How Physical Facilities affect Students’ Selection Decisions for Public TVET Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya

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Glory K. Mutungi
Tarsila Kibaara
Severina Mwirichia


Public Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions have received enormous support from the government through the establishment of TVET Act, Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS), and Higher Education Loans (HELB). The formation of these bodies aimed to encourage pursuance of technical education and students’ enrolment in the TVET institutions. However, these reforms caused an influx of students in some TVET institutions, while some have experienced low enrolment; hence, the question on students’ selection decision. The study aimed to investigate the influence of physical facilities on students’ decisions in selecting government TVET institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was informed by Jackson model. It utilized descriptive survey research design. It targeted 3505 respondents comprising of module three trainees, officers in charge of admission, and principals. Purposive sampling and stratified random sampling techniques were used in drawing a sample size of 361 respondents which comprised of 6 principals, 6 admission officers and 349 module three trainees. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The validity and reliability of research instruments was ascertained accordingly. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS, then computed descriptive and inferential statistics, while qualitative data was analyzed by categorizing information gathered into themes. The study’s findings indicated that adequacy, availability and updatedness of training resources were important aspects of consideration when choosing a career in TVET institution. Thus, the study concluded that physical facilities had significant influence on students’ decisions in selecting public TVET institutions. The study recommends that the government avail funds to develop new and modern physical facilities, while TVET institutes’ managements should implement a maintenance plan for old facilities. This has implications on funding by national government, and further indicates need for collaborations with development partners.

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How to Cite
Mutungi, G. K., Kibaara, T., & Mwirichia, S. (2023). How Physical Facilities affect Students’ Selection Decisions for Public TVET Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya . International Journal of Professional Practice, 11(1), 86–98.
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