Social Media Use and the Level of Marital Satisfaction among Couples in MCK Nkubu Synod, Meru County in Kenya

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Catherine Kagwiria Mutua
Rebecca Wachira
Peter Mwiti


Marital satisfaction is an indicator of the health and quality of a marriage. Communication is expected to enhance cohesion among married couples. The use of technology, such as social media, is expected to enhance communication among married couples and contribute to marital satisfaction. Notably, the use of mobile devices in accessing social networking sites has enabled increased social interactions with people worldwide. However, excessive use of social media has been associated with adverse effects such as disengagement and distress in marriages. The purpose of the study was to assess how mobile device use affects couples' marital satisfaction levels in MCK Nkubu Synod. The specific objective of the study was to examine the influence of social media use on marital satisfaction among couples in MCK Nkubu Synod, Meru County, in Kenya. The study adopted the explanatory research design. Participants were 369 couples, six superintendent ministers and six clergy members. They were selected using simple random and stratified sampling techniques. Validated interviews, questionnaires and focused group discussions were utilized in collecting data. Percentages and means were computed using SPSS. Correlations analysis was used to test the relationship, while themes were noted from qualitative data. Marital dissatisfaction was evident among married couples in MCK Nkubu Synod. The use of social media use was high among married couples and was significantly influencing the level of marital satisfaction. Among other things, it was affecting cohesion, communication and quality of time married couples were spending together, hence, causing spousal distress. The study recommended the need for pastors to establish professional marriage counselling programs for married couples. The training curriculum for married couples should include social media use owing to its adverse effects on marital satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Mutua, C. K., Wachira, R., & Mwiti, P. (2022). Social Media Use and the Level of Marital Satisfaction among Couples in MCK Nkubu Synod, Meru County in Kenya. International Journal of Professional Practice, 10(4), 17–26.
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