Influence of Beading Girls on KCPE Performance of Early Circumcised Boys in Isiolo Central Sub-County, Isiolo County

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Peter Lemasulani
Nephat Kathuri
Rebecca Wachira


Early circumcision incidences are a common phenomenon in Isiolo Central Sub County and the entire former North Eastern Province of Kenya. This practice has increased cases of school drop-out among the boys, cattle rustling, early marriages, and other social challenges. This paper sought to determine the influence of beading of girls on KCPE performance of circumcised boys in Isiolo Central Sub County, Isiolo County. The study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive survey design with 195 teachers and 294 circumcised eighth-grade boys as participants. The research used a simple random sampling technique and sampled 30 teachers and 43 circumcised boys in class eight, which represented 15% of each category of respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis. Results revealed that the beading of girls influenced KCPE performance of circumcised boys. The practice of beading for boys is part of the community practices. Elders should delay beading for boys for pupils who have not yet completed the school cycle or have not attained 18 years of age.

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How to Cite
Lemasulani, P., Kathuri, N., & Wachira, R. (2022). Influence of Beading Girls on KCPE Performance of Early Circumcised Boys in Isiolo Central Sub-County, Isiolo County. International Journal of Professional Practice, 10(2), 46–54.
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