How Wesleyan Theological Methodist Approach has Shaped Education in Kenya

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Mary Kathambi Kinoti


Methodist education has been widely viewed as a tool for evangelism and societal improvement, thereby contributing enormously to personal, educational, social and spiritual development. This holistic development is achieved through encouraging Christians to seek what is good and acceptable to God rather than conforming to the patterns of the world. The history of Methodist education is described by John Wesley, who viewed education as a channel to accessing God’s grace. This paper aimed to describe how Wesleyan Methodist approach has contributed to shaping theological eduaction in Kenya. Through systematic review, the paper provides insights into the development and value of Methodist education in Kenya. The literature reviewed indicates that besides being a life changing experience, Methodist education is recognized for the values it instills in children and learners, which include self control, understanding, strong work ethics, and commitment to serving others. These virtues have been achieved despite declining enrollment in Methodist schools and fear of religious indoctrination among some parents. The significance of Methodist education in higher education and the general education system in Kenya has also been discussed in this study. The study recommends the need for a value-based education system that supports intergration of Methodist education into holistic education system in Kenya and beyond.

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How to Cite
Kinoti, M. K. (2023). How Wesleyan Theological Methodist Approach has Shaped Education in Kenya. International Journal of Professional Practice, 11(1), 20–30.
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