Use of Whatsapp Messaging in Enhancing Public Participation in the Budgeting Process A study of Migori County Government

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George Omondi Juma
Millicent Otieno
John Oluoch


Globally, the use of Whatsapp messaging has gained power. Just like many social media platforms, Whatsapp provides a platform for instantaneous sharing of information. Many people in Migori County have not been able to participate in the county budgeting process because of ineffective communication channel. The purpose of the study was to design a feasible Whatsapp messaging adoption model which can be used by Migori county government to enhance public participation in budgeting process. The objective of this study was to examine the use of Whatsapp messaging in enhancing public participation in budgeting process. This study used a survey design because it involved exploring people’s opinion and attitudes towards the use of Whatsapp messaging. It was underpinned on the Technology Acceptance Mode (TAM) and Participatory Development Theory. The study was conducted in Awendo, Rongo and Suna East Sub Counties in Migori County, with a study population of 143,468. A sample size of 399, comprising of 392 individuals drawn from the general public, and 7 county government staff sampled using systematic random and purposive sampling method respectively, participated in the study. Analysis was done through narration and measures of frequencies for qualitative and quantitative data respectively. The researcher did content validity with the assistance of an expert and test-retest to examine the validity and reliability respectively. This study revealed that majority of the respondents proposed the use of WhatsApp messaging for public participation because of its convenience, timely communication, and ease of use. The respondents however indicated that issues of the high cost of bundles, non-inclusivity and poor coordination should be addressed. It was concluded that the county of Migori has not embraced WhatsApp messaging budgeting process. The study recommended the adoption of WhatsApp messaging by Migori County. Use of voice messages is necessary to enhance WhatsApp messaging communication.

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How to Cite
Juma , G. O., Otieno , M., & Oluoch , J. (2023). Use of Whatsapp Messaging in Enhancing Public Participation in the Budgeting Process: A study of Migori County Government. International Journal of Professional Practice, 11(1), 1–19.
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