The Impact of Faith Based Organizations on Livelihood Empowerment: A case of Riziki Kenya
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The Kenyan government like many other middle income countries is focusing on enhancing competitiveness and increased productivity amongst the different socio-economic sectorsThe ultimate state goal, presented in the present government agenda is to improve the well-being of the Kenyan citizens to promote sustainability and realize economic growth to realize the goal, there is need to focus efforts on the marginalized and less fortunate communities such as slum dwellers and rural poor whose productivity is limited due to socio-economic risks that characterize their environment. This study explored the impact of livelihood programmes by Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) in Kibera on the peoples’ productivity. The study focused on the case of Riziki Kenya; an FBO that employs faith-based approach to empower communities in informal settlements. Micro-lending is one of the largely known empowerment strategies for economic development in enabling the poor acquire skills, build assets/ capital and hence increase their resilience while significantly reducing their vulnerability. Riziki employs micro-lending and community development initiatives guided by Christian principles. The question therefore that the study sought to answer was “To what extent has livelihoods empowerment by FBOs through micro-financing increased the productivity of slum dwellers in Kibera?” The study reveals the great impact that is realized from leveraging on partnerships with local churches and other FBOs in empowering and enriching livelihoods of the people. The study found links between individual faith and their financial productivity. These links influenced their ethical behavior, and general stewardship of their own/ business financial resources.
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