Efficiency of Methodist Church of Kenya Pastoral Programs in Addressing Orphans’ Spiritual Needs in Day Secondary Schools in Imenti North Sub-County

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Eunice Karambu Makathimo
Mary Kinoti
John Njoroge


Pastoral care program is used in schools to offer learners spiritual assistance while ensuring their overall well-being is catered for by designated pastors. There are various responsibilities bestowed upon licensed pastors in MCK church fraternity which are derived from the authority given in ordination. The roles of these pastors are categorized into four capacities, namely, word, sacrament, order and service as witnesses, service of Christ's love and justice in mission as pastors, or superintendents. However, the delivery of these roles to orphans in day secondary schools has not been fully realized. Hence, concerns about the pastoral programmers’ effectiveness in the wake of increased suffering and misconduct among orphans has arisen.  This study, therefore, aimed at assessing effectiveness of Methodist Church in Kenya sponsorship programs on material and spiritual needs of orphans in day secondary schools in Imenti North Sub-County. The study was guided by Erickson’s Psychosocial Development Theory and Maslow’s Theory of Human Motivation. Mixed research methodology was applied. The target population was 285 respondents from 17 secondary schools sponsored by MCK. A sample size of 207 respondents who comprised of church education committee leaders, superintendent ministers, guidance and counseling teachers, principals, and orphaned students was obtained. Stratified sampling method was utilized in choosing orphan respondents for this study. The study concluded that spiritual nourishment and counseling were the major services offered by MCK pastoral programs. However, the frequency of these services was low leading to high school dropout rates. Therefore, the study recommends increased and regular counseling and spiritual nourishment services.

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How to Cite
Makathimo, E. K., Kinoti, M., & Njoroge, J. (2022). Efficiency of Methodist Church of Kenya Pastoral Programs in Addressing Orphans’ Spiritual Needs in Day Secondary Schools in Imenti North Sub-County. International Journal of Professional Practice, 10(2), 15–30. https://doi.org/10.71274/ijpp.v10i2.138
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