Factors that Influence E-Learning Readiness in a Lower Human Development Index Zone A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Meru County, Kenya

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Victor Omari Omosa
Nicholas Riungu
Grace Mwangi


Although there are many advantages that accrue from the introduction of e-learning, such as time saving, cost effectiveness and flexibility of study plans, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, (KICD) has noted that secondary education in Meru County still relies heavily on face-to-face method of instruction. The purpose of this study was to assess readiness of e-learning in secondary schools in Meru County, Kenya. Literature from countries with higher Human Development Index (HDI) than Kenya has not addressed parameters that relate to e-learning readiness, particularly the scale of mobility, communication, science, technology, innovation, and knowledge-sharing. Quantitative and qualitative data were used in this study. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was adopted. The target population consisted of 358 secondary schools in Meru County. Out of this number, Cronbach method and simple random sampling technique were used to obtain a sample size of 185 schools. Data was collected using questionnaires and both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. The findings of the study identified 16 out of the 18 investigated factors were relevant to both the readiness for e-learning, as well as aligning with strategic plans and Kenya's Vision 2030. The study recommended that schools in Meru County to improve technological infrastructure, particularly internet connectivity, room utilization, and exposure to applications and devices, in order to effectively support e-learning initiatives.

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How to Cite
Omosa, V. O., Riungu, N., & Mwangi, G. (2023). Factors that Influence E-Learning Readiness in a Lower Human Development Index Zone: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Meru County, Kenya. International Journal of Professional Practice, 11(6), 13–23. https://doi.org/10.71274/ijpp.v11i6.367
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